Avoiding DIY Headaches

Anyone who does a significant amount of do-it-yourself work at home knows that sometimes problems arise. This can be very frustrating, particularly when it involves something structural or something used often. There are a number of ways to avoid such problems arising.

Measure Everything

So many headaches can be avoided with proper measurements. This means having the right tools. A tape measure, a plain old rule and an adjustable t-square are the basic essentials for measuring simple DIY projects. These should handle any length, width and angle measurements. Remember to start at the first line on any measuring device, particularly older ones. Starting at the end of the device can mean inaccurate measurements on a worn tool. For example, a ruler with 1/16″ increments can be measured from the first 1/16″ line and then 1/16″ can be added to the final measurement. This will give the most accurate measurement if the device doesn’t already start on a line rather than the end. Of course, do the measurements several times and go over any math more than once.

Get the Right Hardware

Say a do-it-yourselfer comes home with a shiny doors and a box of nails. She is ready to hang her new doors. She takes the old ones down, thus leaving her house open, then realizes that the rails for the doors are counter-set for particular screws. The nails would stick out too much and make the door unable to slide. Avoid situations like this by purchasing items that come with hardware or double-checking the hardware before beginning the project.

Failing to prepare well for a do-it-yourself project can cost so much that a professional could have been paid to do it. On the other hand, doing it right without hiring someone can save tens, hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars. The key is being prepared with all of the tools, measurements and hardware necessary to get the job done right.

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